
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My Best Friend.... My Soul Mate

Many years ago - Dusty and I went on a seven day cruise to Mexico. We were celebrating our three year anniversary... We boarded the ship in San Diego - a cruise line named Commodore Cruises - I don't think they are around any longer... The ship was old and smelly... We drove through one of the worst rain storms in California history to get to the ship - we drove close to 100 miles.. When we arrived at the terminal - I noticed right away that everyone was old... When I say old - I mean going along in their walker and wheelchair old..... I wanted to cry.....

The first night - we sat at a table with four (4) senior citizens - Dusty and I were still in our twenties and had nothing in common with these very nice people... Later that evening - we went out onto the deck so I could smoke a cigarette ( I have since quit). As Dusty and I were chatting outside - we noticed another couple about 100 yards away from us - a couple with dark hair - a couple under the age of 40.... The other couple noticed us at almost the exact time as we did them... We walked towards each other.... The rest of the cruise was hilarious... We had the best time... We hired a taxi driver to give us a tour around Puerto Vallarta - somehow in our enthusiasm a few other young couples found and joined us... In the other ports of call - we found fun and adventure - memories that still make me smile and laugh out loud.....

That first night on deck - I met my best friend in the world.. My soul mate - Now 18 years later - she still is a major part of my life... She is the first person I call to share good and bad news... We started our families at the same time... We had our children around the same time.... We shared in the loss of parents.... We cried together in laughter and in pain.. She's my Vegas buddy... She gets me when few do....

A few years ago - she moved away to Colorado.... My kids and I visited her and the family summer before last - I fell in love with where she lives.. The wildlife, the seasons, the people, the majestic Rocky Mountains within a hours drive.... Since that summer I have dreamed of moving to CO.... Wouldn't it be nice to be neighbors? I miss my friend...

As you know - Dusty was laid off a couple of weeks... hmm - What a great idea to move, don't you think? I've been writing my list of reason on why we should move to CO.... Friends, lots of family, get a bigger house and pay cash - (of course, I've been showing him what we can get on oh the possibilities..... and I think maybe.... just maybe he might be receptive to the thought.... a girl can dream....

1 comment:

Andrea said...

What an awesome friendship. Keep us posted on the move or what GOD is leading you to do! Praying GOD works miracles with the job situation.
Hugs, andrea


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