Yes, I love my family.... Yes, I do... I really really do... But.. I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am for my space.. My Kelly Time.... You see, my husband decided to fly himself and the kids up north to spend six (6) count them SIX glorious nights with his parents.... I was not able to go sigh..
I called my friend the other day and asked her what her plans were for Easter vacation - she was in a pretty bad mood - you see, she is stuck here in Southern California on business and will not be able to return home until the end of next week.... Can hear my wheels turning....? I'm thinking... she's thinking PERFECT TIMING!!! Needless to say - she's a happy camper and so am I.... We get to have fun - no husbands... no kids.. no obligations (except for work) but regardless of what we are doing... we Always have a good time....
I can not begin to tell you how stressed I have been lately.... I have my dozen or so balls up in the air and praying like crazy that one won't drop.... Now that the husband is searching for a new job (things are looking pretty good already) - he is under foot... Working from my home office for the past fourteen (14) years - I had gotten used to "my space".... When I am into a file working - my concentration is so absolute .. so focused... that when he bent over to nibble on my neck - I jumped about three (3) feet and bonked him in the forehead OUCH! I really really need Kelly Time...
So, picture me - making plans... laughing hard.. reminiscing... getting into "trouble".. and missing my family...