Monday, April 26, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Musical Monday -

The theme for this week on Musical Monday hosted by Diane at Good Mourning, Glory! is Musical Therapy... I had a hard time choosing just one song... There are different songs for different moods... So I thought I would just show you how bizarre and diverse my moods can be....
Therapy for my romantic side...
Therapy for my Spiritual Side
Therapy for my Rebel Side... Total Eighties
Berlin - Sex
Therapy for my Mom moments...
And Lastly - my Therapy for Loving Madonna... (call me crazy but I like her version)
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Poor Man's Garage
A friend of mine sent this the other day... Funny.... Hope you laugh too.
Poor man garage
View more presentations from kellyideas.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Musical Monday - Natural Woman

As many of you know by now - I am a total Carole King fan.. Love love her... I remember when I was in elementary school and I had just bought her "new" album Tapestry
This week - Fabulous Diane from Good Mourning, Glory! dared us to share with you our loyal blogger buddies the songs that we love to sing like no one is listening.... When I hear this song I have to grab a hairbrush and sing as if I'm Carole herself... I cannot control it... I'm A Natural Woman - so there, Simon!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Dancing Queen - That's Me....

Way back when.... I used to love going to the clubs with my friends... Almost every weekend - you could find us dancing to our favorite 80's hit on the dance floors... Those were the days of big hair, bright colored outfits, and big hoop earrings... Those were the days I was a Dancing Queen...... or so my kids call it... The days when mom was young and skinny... ouch...
As a mom of teenagers who are now embarrassed by any public signs of affection... or anything that could be construed as different... I take great pleasure in embarrassing them in a not so public way... I could do the slightest silly thing with no one around but because we are in a "public" place like Target for instance - my eldest goes insane.... It's hilarious... So the other day.....
We were at Target.. (my favorite place to shop) and there was board - that you can play sample music on... and Dancing Queen was one of the songs.... All of a sudden - I broke out into song and danced in the aisle (no one was around) The girls were mortified... they took off down the different aisles just to get away from crazy lunatic mom - who bursts into song at the slightest provocation.... I could hear them giggling so I knew all was okay... When the song and I were done we continued on our merry way... I'm thinking - no one saw me.. and that was fun until.....
One of the managers I knew very well saw me in the checkout... He had this huge grin on his face.... We hugged and kissed and asked how each other was and then he said it... "Thanks for show - you were great!" Unknown to me - I was near a security camera and the entire performance was caught and watched by many... Thank goodness they couldn't hear me... I am sure my face turned about five shades of bright red.... I'm thinking this time.... I was the victim of my own outrageous-ness...
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Musical Monday - A Song That Gets Stuck In My HEAD

Welcome to Musical Monday - What Moves You? Hosted by Diane at Good Mourning, Glory! Be sure to check out this great site and tell Diane - Kelly sent you...
Diane challenged us to find a song that when we hear it - it just gets stuck in our head.. Of course - for me - it's usually the worst possible song... The kind of song that can DRIVE me completely INSANE and thanks to this little challenge - I am in Brady Bunch HELL..... thanks, Diane... Love ya.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Have A Happy Period?

There are 3 women/girls in my home.... Two with awful monthly bills and one more soon to come... and whenever there is a sale on the unmentionables - I load up... Last Sunday's coupons offered - buy 1 get one free on Tampax tampons, Always pads, and feminine wipes... What I love about Target is the sales they offer... So not only did I get 3 free boxes - I got a gift card for $5 for buying two boxes... Net price for a box of Tampax $1.00... Each box was $6.00 for a total of $12.00 - one box free (-$6.00) and a free - $5.00 gift card = $1.00...
I was so happy to be making the deals of the century - until I got THE advertisement - it wasn't even a coupon..... and at the bottom of this advertisement for Always Maxi pads was the statement that turn ALL women completely INSANE.....
Have a Happy Period. Guaranteed*.... only a man would be this dumb!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
I'm In Love With Another Man....
I have to say I am in love with another man.... I can listen to him talk and sing all day long... He is also amazing eye candy.... and my husband doesn't care... gasp... The husband actually laughs about it..
My new man is Casey James - The contestant on American Idol... This young man caught my attention on his first audition and last night he caught my heart... There is some amazing talent in those vocal cords and his eyes.... his eyes.. just makes this mom melt....
He sang one of my favorite John Lennon songs - Jealous Guy... Here is a comparison - What do you think?
Casey James
John Lennon
My new man is Casey James - The contestant on American Idol... This young man caught my attention on his first audition and last night he caught my heart... There is some amazing talent in those vocal cords and his eyes.... his eyes.. just makes this mom melt....
He sang one of my favorite John Lennon songs - Jealous Guy... Here is a comparison - What do you think?
Casey James
John Lennon
Monday, April 5, 2010
Top 5 Ways For Me To Relax

I was looking in the mirror yesterday as I was driving home (before the earthquake) and I was talking to my daughter on my cell (yes, I have an ear piece) - with the sun shining down onto my head - I thought I saw a glimpse of a gray hair.... I ran my fingers through my hair and there it was! I yanked it out from the root... What I found odd was that at the end of the hair where my "natural color" was it was nicely textured with a small curl to it... Where the gray was - the shaft of the hair was thicker and just plain awful... I am WAY too YOUNG to go GRAY... no way - not me... Nope - nothing doing...
I began to realize that I am getting old because I am a complete stressed out MESS..... I need to relax... breathe in... breathe out.... So I came up with a list of 5 things I am going to do this week to relax me... to make me feel good.. and to make me feel Young... again...
- Get in the hot tub every night and let the hot bubbling waters soothe my achy muscles.
- Get my hair done - cut, color, and style... No walking out with wet hair to save a buck!
- Get a pedicure and have my feet get that extra 15 minute massage...and paint my toenails Red.
- No Television or Computer after I'm done for the day - stop checking for work messages
- Light all my favorite candles - play my favorite music and just be still.... at least for longer than a minute!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Musical Monday - I Feel The Earth Move

Join in the fun with Musical Monday - hosted by Diane at Good Mourning, Glory!
Here in Southern California today we had a pretty good sized earthquake centered a little south of the Mexican Border... It was a long and pretty strong one... I was sitting in my car at a red light and all of sudden by car was bouncing on all 4 tires and the light poles around me started to dance... good times.. good times..
Just got to listen to Carole King - Love her!!! Hoping to see her and James Taylor in concert soon....
Friday, April 2, 2010
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